Bipolar Kids and Sibs Research Update

We are so excited to have an update from Professor Mitchell, thanking Good Talk for their support and expressing the impact that the funds we raise are having on such important research.

"The UNSW Bipolar Kids & Sibs Study is very grateful for the ongoing generous support from Goodtalk. Your funding is enabling our current 13-year follow-up of subjects from all over the country. We are undertaking an exciting world-first third MRI brain scan for our young people at high risk of bipolar disorder, as well as taking blood samples to test for markers of inflammation. These tests, as well as detailed clinical interviews, will enable us to better track changes in the brain over time, and assist us in predicting those changes that lead to the onset of the first episode of mania. These findings will allow us to identify those who will go on to develop bipolar disorder, and inform future early intervention and preventive treatments."

Philip Mitchell AM, FAHMS, FASSA, MB BS (Hons I; Syd), MD (UNSW), FRANZCP, FRCPsych | Scientia Professor, Discipline of Psychiatry and Mental Health, School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of New South Wales;

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